Senior Birthday Club

Location: Judge Fisher Apartments
Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2015; 6:30-8:00 pm

Last month’s project over here had been cancelled since they were using the apartment common room as a polling station.  That must have been something, because I’m sure the seniors did not appreciate the government interfering in their Bingo fun.  I arrived to see that Jason was already there with 3 other volunteers as were the 2 fun ladies who are always the life of any party.  The gentleman with whom I had sung Sinatra songs arrived and he recognized me, saying that he was still pleased about seeing "My Way" on ‘Youtube’ and added that he had a great memory.  I was pleased to see that he had managed to secure some earphones and a music player, something that he was longing for the last time we had met.  I looked at the prizes Jason had bought, and there was everything ranging from the usual soap etc. to a bag of potpourri and even stuffed animals.  But we had a problem.

There would be no Bingo this evening
The guard with the key to storage closet had taken the night off to celebrate his birthday – an irony if there ever was one - and so we did not have any Bingo supplies.  While I found a phone app which could generate random Bingo numbers, it still did not help us, since we were missing the cards.  With no other option, someone said that we could go to the nearby ‘Dollar Store’ and see if there were any games.  I told Jason to stay here while I and another regular volunteer went to the store.  We looked around but there was nothing that could be used as a game...unless you counted ‘Legos’.  We came back and told Jason that the only option now was “trivia”, though some of the residents were not pleased regarding that.

Jason had bought some milk and cookies for snacks, but there were no cups or plates, meaning another trip to the ‘Dollar Store’ for me.  I came back to see that Jason was already conducting the quiz and when he went to get the snacks ready, I took over.  I put in "Trivia for seniors" as a search term on my phone and chose a link that had both, easy and difficult questions. I started with the easy and the first one was “Which is the largest state in the USA?”  Many said “Texas”, which was not the right answer, though some did say “Alaska”, which was of course correct.  Our problem though was that people were yelling out answers without raising their hands and so it wasn't always easy to point out who was right and who should go get a prize.  Fortunately people were not being too feisty today.

I had my choice of questions and did some like "Oldest US President to take office”, the answer to which was “Ronald Reagan at the age of 69”.  Other questions were "The year 'Titanic' sank", "The largest freshwater lake", "Who invented airplanes" etc.  I saw a difficult question and said that whoever comes close without going over would win.  The question was "What is the height of Mount Everest" and even I did not know that.  People started at 25,000 feet and went up to 52,000 feet.  The correct answer is 29,029 feet and so I gave it to closest answer at 28,000 feet. There weren't many questions remaining on this site, and so I was looking for other webpages.  I found one which did not have any answers, but I knew some of those for few of the questions and plus we had only a few prizes remaining.  Speaking of prizes, one lady took a bag of Oranges as a prize, till we realized that they were actually meant as snacks for everyone!  There were some questions on movies, like "What song did Doris Day sing in ‘Man who knew too much’"“Que Sera Sera” - and "Who won academy award for 'To Kill A Mockingbird'"“Gregory Peck”.  Finally there was one prize remaining and so I just had to ask, "Which band came to the U.S. in 1962!!"

The prizes were done, but the residents seemed to be enjoying themselves - though we had lost a few.  So we said that we could continue the trivia for fun and they agreed.  Another volunteer took over and I sat next to my “Sinatra friend”.  There were several questions on Astronomy and I was able to get them because...well, because as an ‘Adler’ volunteer I should!  As an answer to number of planets I said I will count ‘Pluto’ since I studied that in school.  Then for something where ‘Uranus’ was the answer, I asked if anyone could name one of its satellites. I said that that I would give them a hint – They are all named after female characters from ‘Shakespeare’.  It was another useless fact that I had picked up at ‘Adler”.  I also learned that there is a difference between a ‘Hog’ and a ‘Pig’.  Someone said ‘Pig’s’ are females, though I am sure that women would disagree with that!!  It was a lot of fun and all of the remaining residents were enjoying themselves – including my buddy.  At one stage there was a question related to the ‘pH scale’ and he remembered that I had studied ‘Chemistry’. Wow, he really does have good memory!  We were getting close to the end and one of the funnier things about the evening was that the residents knew all the answers when it came to questions related to medicine or diseases.  That was amusing and poignant at the same time.

All good things come to an end and so did our “Trivia Night”.  I thought we had a great time, but before leaving, the residents said that Jason should ensure that we play Bingo next time. Ouch, you can’t win them all.  As we wrapped up my buddy asked what religion I believed in. I said that I believe in science, to which he replied that science cannot explain everything.  "True", I said.  But I had spent a lot more time studying science and none whatsoever on religion.  So while I was not disparaging religion, all I was saying was that I do not understand it as much as I do science.  He asked if I had been to the ‘Moody Bible Institute’. I said that it was funny that he should ask that, since I was going to attend a session with them at my project tomorrow.  I left after a nice evening and even though the Bingo had not gone our way, it had still been a lot of fun. 

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