Valentine’s Day Dance At The Wells Street Cafe

Location: Breaking Bread Ministries/LaSalle Street Church
Date: Friday, February 13, 2015; 6:30-8:00 pm

Marianne had told me about this event in January, similar to a one that had been held last year.  It was the ‘Valentine’s Day Dance’ for guests who visit this place every week.  Wilson had been involved then and he was involved in this one as well.  He had set up a ‘Meetup’ for this and requested all volunteers to get sweet treats - homemade if possible.  I had been working as an intermediary between Marianne and Wilson to set this up through the ‘Meetup’, though I had told her that I would come separately…and I would even wear a suit.

The week of the event I went and bought ‘Valentine's Day’ card kits, similar to the one's I had seen during my project at ‘Mary Hartwell Catherwood Apartments’ last week.  The only thing that I couldn’t find were the foam hearts and Wilson said that he would provide those.  My dear friend from work was going to come with me but despite being a Friday, we were delayed in the office.  Earlier in the evening Marianne had asked if I could get 5 lbs. of sugar, but since I was going to be late, I redirected that to Wilson as well.  Before leaving I asked Wilson if we needed more desserts and he said that we were a bit short.  So before proceeding for the party, my friend and I went to ‘Jewel’ and picked up couple of boxes of mini cupcakes.

Appropriate wall decorations
We arrived to see that the layout was a bit different than the usual setting; with a DJ, a dance floor and colorful tablecloths. Plus the walls had been decorated with heart-shaped cutouts and photographs from last year’s party.  Finally, there was the dessert’s station where all the goodies were kept.  After apologizing for being late, I borrowed a few volunteers and started them on the candy card kits, while I went inside the kitchen where I saw Wilson doing the dishes.  He told me that the evening had been a bit chaotic since Keith had quit. Wait what; I had just seen him last Wednesday!  There had been a bit of panic earlier but now things were under control and food was being served outside.  Trust Wilson to get everything right.

The “Valentine Kits” were now ready and the volunteers put them into bowls and took outside to distribute to the guests.  There was general merriment going on and the guests seemed to be having fun.  The dance party was well and truly underway and even the kids were joining in.  Most of the volunteers were Wilson’s group from the ‘Meetup’, though I did spot a few regulars like Mark from the ‘Moody Bible Institute’.  Marianne was taking pictures and even took some with me.  She told my friend how I was her eye doctor, referring to our first meeting last year.  In fact, my friend had heard a lot about all of these people from me, including Wilson and we talked about all of our volunteering experiences. 

The party was winding down and I started getting the candles into the kitchen - yes there had been real candles!  They were supposed to be removed from inside the holder and the holder washed.  However, removing them wasn't exactly easy owing to the warm oil, and I had to soak them in ice water first.  I wiped down the kitchen in the meanwhile while chatting with Wilson, who mentioned that he was feeding 500 homeless tomorrow morning.  He also said that he had inherited a food pantry - whatever that means.  I know better than to ask him questions!  The tables and chairs outside were to be left in place since there were church events over the weekend and I told Marianne to call me if ever she needed anything, especially with Keith gone.  I still couldn't believe that he was gone, but it was time to leave.  It had been a wonderful party and the guests had enjoyed themselves.  It’s one thing to have dinner service every week, but this event was something that had shown our guests that on a day universally acknowledged for acts of love, they mattered to someone.

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