Lakeview Seniors Pet Therapy

Location: Lakeview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Date: Monday, April 20, 2015; 6:15-7:45 pm

Jim's treats
I arrived early and saw that Jim was settling in at his usual spot.  Once again, he mentioned how he was enjoying living by himself, though I guess he meant living away from here.  I also saw Josie and Holly and asked Holly about her birthday.  She said that her entire family had come over including her son and Great granddaughter named ‘Rival’!  She said that there had been a big feast.  I went upstairs to check on Pearl, but a nurse said that she was in the bathroom.  Downstairs, people had started assembling for Bingo and Holly had taken it upon herself to distribute Bingo supplies to the residents.  She really is full of energy.  Emma was brought over and she was wearing her cute ‘Mario’ t-shirt.  When I mentioned that it was good shirt, she said something about having had a good meal.  I asked what it was, and she said “juices”.  I asked what kind and she said “Lemonade and Grape”.  Jack had arrived and he was chatting with Jim.  I went over as Jim was examining his beloved ‘White Sox’ schedule.  He had come prepared with treats for the dogs and just as he opened the bag, we saw first of the dogs arriving.

It was a girl dog named Bailey and unfortunately due to a sensitive stomach, she could not enjoy any of the treats that Jim had, though that didn’t stop her from staring at him continuously.  There were several other dogs, including a little 8 month old cutie and a giant 10 month old girl named Gronk!  She was 120 lbs. and still growing, but also one of the gentlest of creatures.  Robyn was our Volunteer leader for today and she was with Bruce and June as usual.  Other than me, everyone else was new and we had a lot of dogs.  She paired everyone and I was going to be with her, especially since I could help with either Bruce or June.  We started on 1st floor and most the residents from here were at Bingo.  However, there were a couple of ladies that loved dogs; one said that she had a huge ‘German Shepherd’ growing up in Poland and a cat.  She became very emotional when talking about her childhood and how the dog used to wait for her as she went to school.  She had just come to Lakeview Nursing last night and so was pleased to see such an activity over here.

We moved to 2nd floor and stopped to see Polly and Dena.  I put June on the bed with Polly, so that she could pet her.  Poor Bruce was bumping his head a lot today, but as is his wont, he never complained.  Plus, he would sit whenever told and sometimes even on his own.  I mentioned to Robyn that he was the nicest dog that I had seen…and I have seen a lot here.  We went over to David’s and as usual he gave June a massage which she enjoyed thoroughly.  Next was a stop to see Loritta, who was chatty and feisty as usual.  But the most poignant stop was with a gentleman who was blind, especially since Bruce was here with us and we had seen his struggles in navigating.

We went over to 3rd floor and stopped to see Hannah.  She was a bit bummed out because her book had been rejected by some publishers.  It seems that they hadn’t even read the manuscript and she said that she would have been even more disappointed if they had read it and then rejected it.  Next up was Jerry and as is usually the case, both Bruce and June wanted to get on the bed.  After they had their fill of munching on many of his treats, it was time for our final stop, which was with Pearl.  She told me about her crusade on improving the living conditions for the residents.  She called herself a “scholar, not a philosopher”.  I told her that I was glad to see her looking better and that she should keep it up. 

It was time to leave and I came downstairs to see that Bingo was over.  Jack said that he had won twice today and was looking pleased about that.  I asked if Emma had won and indeed, she had 2 prizes as well, “Fig Bars” and “Cookies Ahoy”.  I opened one of the container's for her and she enjoyed her treats, even offering me some, which I declined.  I said that I would drop her to her room and as I took her to the elevator, Jack asked if I could help him as well.  So I got them both in the elevator and then upstairs, leaving Emma in the capable hands of a nurse.  I came down and saw that Jim was about to leave. He told me that Larry was in the hospital...c'est la vie.    He and I walked out together as he talked about his new life, learning how to cook again etc.  I guess it’s never too late for anything is it…almost never.

*All the client's names have been changed in order to respect their privacy

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