Meals On Wheels King Of The River Casino Night

Location: Chicago Cultural Center
Date: Friday, March 07, 2014; 5:30-11:30 pm

Under the dome
I had done the ‘Meals On Wheels, Celebrity Chef Gala back in October and it was one of the most upscale One Brick events that I had been a part of.  This was another fund raiser for them – a good old fashioned Casino Night!  I had opted in as the EC and Kinga was going to be the EM.  She sent out an email a few days prior asking if people were comfortable dealing.  Well, I was not and told her so, even offering to find another EC.  But she said that as event leaders we would not be required to do any dealing and so I was good.  The venue was the fantastic ‘Chicago Cultural Center’, a place I have visited several times.  I arrived to find that the grand hall had been transformed into a casino floor, all under the beautiful ‘Tiffany Glass Dome’.  It definitely was an elegant venue for the event.

I found Kinga assembled with some of our volunteers and she handed out some fancy looking lanyards, saying that they had to be returned at the end of the evening.  Being winter, everyone was wearing heavy coats and the first thing to do was take them over to coat check-in, which was at the lower level.  I was hoping that the organizers wouldn't require any of our volunteers to be at watching the coats and fortunately two members from the catering company were going to be there for the duration of the evening.  Well, as long the guests were getting food, the arrangement would work. 

Our team was ready
Back upstairs it was time for some training and for that we had to fill out a form, which was essentially our background check with Illinois State Department…or someone equally bureaucratic. They required our social security number and that ruffled a few feathers, when someone did not want to give it in writing on this form.  He had a point though since these background checks should have been done earlier, and plus this volunteer had submitted their information multiple times in the past for other ‘casino’ events.  So why couldn't the state agency just use that?  Well, the situation was getting a bit heated, with the guy in charge stating emphatically that our volunteer will not be allowed to deal and should return his lanyard.  We had reached a standoff and it was only diffused when another gentleman stepped in and said that our volunteer could stay as long as he provided a phone number for them to reach him later.

The next step was the actual training for the dealers and for that, a retired gentleman called Nick was going to help the volunteers.  He looked like he had stepped out of a movie and immediately put everyone at ease by saying that if there was any sign of trouble during the tournament, the dealers were to defer to him and he would take care of the situation.  He then took a group to a table for training them on ‘Texas Holdem’ and I could see that people were having fun learning from him.  On the other side of the room were ‘Blackjack’ tables, ‘Roulette Wheel’ and ‘Craps’ table.  While most of our volunteers would be dealing at poker, the rest of our team spread out at each of these stations.  We also had someone selling raffle tickets and a few others as “floaters” in case anyone needed a break. 

What does fate have in store for me?
The guests started filtering in and although the game floor wasn’t open yet, they were enjoying the bar and appetizers that were being passed around.  While they waited, there were other stations to entertain them, such as a hand massager, wine tasting, a woman doing henna and a ‘Tarot’ reader.  It did appear that people were more interested in the open bar than any of these activities, and so I went over to have my “fortune” read.  The ‘Tarot’ guy seemed liked a decent chap and said that he would draw 4 cards and use them to discuss my future.  The 1st card represents things as they are, 2nd is the obstacles, 3rd is the outcome and the 4th ties it all together.  My 1st card was a “luxury” one and he said that it means that I currently have materialistic things in my life and those have been achieved, or acquired through me not caring about what others think…through doing things my way.  Well, he was definitely right about that!  The “obstacle” card said that I would be facing a decision soon, for which I would use my heart, when I should be considering every possibility and outcomes.  That also sounded like something that I would do.  The “outcome” card was an upside down moon and he said that in 10 months I will have a life-changing opportunity, whatever that means.  The final card looked like a bored woman and he said that it means that when that opportunity presented itself, I should not be apathetic.  Whether or not I take the opportunity would eventually depend on me. 

With my fortune read, I thanked the guy and moved on to check on our volunteers.  The raffle team was selling and now the poker tournament was underway as well.  It looked like the dealers were doing well and Nick was at hand to answer all of their questions.  I walked past the Roulette table and remembered my time at another event last year when I had run that for over 4 hours, and enjoyed every minute of it.  At the Craps table, one of our volunteers was doing a fantastic job of encouraging people to play.  This is one of the casino games that I never figured out, though it seems to have one of the busiest table layout in terms of the playing options.  The crowd was enjoying themselves at this station and alcohol definitely had something to do with it.  As the evening wound down, some of our volunteers came off their shift and Kinga said that they could go enjoy the party.  The poker tournament was now consolidated at a “champions” table and there were 9 players left.  As people got eliminated, Kinga was handing them a certificate with their final rank as well as prizes.  One guy was playing for a 3rd place prize, which were ‘White Sox’ tickets. I kept telling him how to manipulate his bids in order to ensure that he did that.  He came close to finishing 5th which were ‘Cubs’ tickets, and he said that there was no way he would accept them.  He finally finished 4th, which was a golf outing for 4 people. His friends in the crowd – who really wanted this one – cheered loudly as if he had won the tournament.

The great cause that this supports
The evening was almost over and I chatted with one of the girls who had been doing coat-check earlier, and learned that she was from Connecticut.  That gave us an opportunity to talk about‘UCONN’ and the ‘Huskies’ basketball team.  Our shift was over and some of our volunteers were headed to the after party at a bar, where it seems the password to get in was “King.”  As appealing as that sounded, I had stuff do the next day and so I left.  It had been a busy evening and while it wasn’t one of the better One Brick projects, at least I had my fortune read! Plus, it was for a great cause.  Recently I have done a lot of gala events for One Brick and I was feeling a bit jaded.  While typically I would sign up for events way in advance, for the first time in almost a year, there wasn’t any upcoming project on my schedule.  It was time to take a break from One Brick, so that I could return back refreshed, and with the enthusiasm that had made me a top volunteer with the organization last year.  

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