What's The Word

Location: Lakeview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2014; 6:30-8:00 pm

The last one
This was it, the very last day of this project.  Gwyn had sent me an email earlier asking if I would be willing to lead the replacement project that was being planned.  It was a nice offer, but I responded saying that I could not possibly commit to a recurring project.  But there was still a matter of wrapping up our final issue.  Besides that, we were also having the ‘Holiday Party’ this evening and Gwyn said that there would be food.  I asked if I could get something and she said perhaps something to drink.  Now, I could think of several beverages that I would have liked to get for the party, but almost all of those would have been confiscated by Lakeview Nursing.  So, I settled on flavored water from ‘Walgreens’.

Never shy to express an opinion, Larry can come across as a bit rough, but he does open up once he spends time with you.  While he may appear to lack patience, what Larry does have in abundance, is passion.  He was in charge of ensuring that the newsletters made it to the rest of the residents, and was really disappointed and hurt that Chicago Cares decided to pull the plug on this project.  Over the last few years I have come to like him and it was great to learn about his life before Lakeview Nursing.  Back then Larry was, and continues to be, a man of integrity.

I arrived to see that Gwyn was setting up the table and there were Oatmeal cookies, Peanut-butter balls covered with chocolate, and pizza.  I put the drinks on the table to the great appreciation of Larry and others – Jack, Jim and Elmer.  I asked Jim about his new place and he said that it wasn’t ready yet.  Jack was quiet as usual and Elmer said that he was still waiting to send me an email, though it was typed and ready to go.  Fran arrived soon along with 2 other first time volunteers.  As I talked with them I learned that one of those volunteers lived in the same building that I had moved to when I came to Chicago and we chatted about some of the places in that area.  I do have a lot of memories from that place. 

Jack is the soul of this group.  He doesn't say much but there is something reassuring about his quiet presence.  A WWII veteran, Jack is a very wise person when you get to know him.  He was also our fact finder for the newsletter, pouring over the 'Chase Book of Records' while the rest of us chatted about things that were not necessarily going to make it in the issue.  If there was ever a definition for ‘dignity’ in that book, Jack’s picture would have been right next to it.

This evening was more a celebration and conversations than anything else.  Elmer was holding court with the other volunteer and I overheard a few comments on some night clubs in Chicago where Elmer said the one could get – and I quote – “Bleep-faced”.  Well, trust Elmer to come up with that!  I mentioned how I love visiting New York City and Elmer, who is from there, told me about some places including a restaurant, which he claims to have “co-ed bathrooms”.  Hmm, not quite sure how that’s possible, but it will not be a reason for me to go there.  He said that I should find a date in New York and take her there.  Well then, I’ll get right to it.  And I’ll be sure to use the bathroom as an incentive!

Aah Elmer.  I met him at the 'Get Crafty' project where he called me “pulchritudinous” and said that I had “worked him like a rented mule”.  Quick witted and sharp, I have always enjoyed my banter with Elmer.  A recent addition to this group, Elmer brought a refreshing attitude to this project, where the volunteers soon learnt that being a senior does not necessarily mean that they can’t teach you some new tricks.  A charmer to the core, Elmer shows glimpses of how he definitely would have been a “ladies man” in his younger days…or not so distant past.

It was a party for sure
Jack and Larry were silent, but Jim was in top form, especially as he indulged in his favorite pastime of ripping into the ‘Cubs’, saying that they could “buy” as many players as they wanted, but they would never win.  As Gwyn served the pizza, I looked at the final issue of ‘As We See It’ and it was called…well “The Final Issue”.  There were some of the tidbits that we had discussed, such as “Sadie Hawkins Day” and something called “Practice Compassion Day” that was on November 13th.  I went for an engagement party that day in a bar and it took every ounce of my compassion to stay there for the duration.

Jim and I have probably had the most interaction over the last few years.  With a twinkle in his eye, Jim is warm, friendly and welcoming. Of everyone that I have met here, Jim is the one person that I see myself hanging out with.  Always ready to discuss sports, Jim loves his Chicago teams…all except the Cubs.  Jim is excited to be leaving Lakeview Nursing soon, looking forward to starting a new and independent life.  But I am sure that his presence will be missed by all of his friends here...including me.

Folks started on the ‘Word Search Puzzle’ and while Larry and Jack were concentrating hard, the rest of us were just socializing.  Jim had forgotten his glasses and said that he was no good with the search anyways. Gwyn mentioned that Chicago Cares had nixed the ‘Game Night’ project that was supposed to replace this one and so that was that. Gwyn said that she was planning to come over anyways and I told her to keep me in the loop.  We could have chatted all evening but it was time to leave.  Gwyn said that there’s no holiday party without presents and she gave the Larry, Jack, Jim and Elmer a gift wrapped package each, and told them not to open them till Christmas.  I asked what was in it and she there were puzzle books and some candy.

Gwyn was the Volunteer Leader of my very first Chicago Cares project…this one.  That Wednesday evening she had brought with her home-made cookies, since it was Jim’s birthday.  And from that day on I have never seen her come here empty handed.  She remembers everyone’s birthday and never fails to get them something, either a present or their favorite cookies or cake.  She is one of the most genuine people, who truly cares about the residents and they absolutely adore her.  She is one of star leader that Chicago Cares was privileged to have. 

I told the residents that I would see them during ‘Pet Therapy’ soon.  Two years ago I had come to this place with a long journey ahead of me.  With everything that has happened since, the journey if anything may be longer than was before.  But I have seen some incredible sights on the way, and will continue to do so.  And it all started over here. That’s why this was, and always will be, special.

*All the client's names have been changed in order to respect their privacy

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