Dinner At The Wells Street Cafe

Location: Breaking Bread Ministries/LaSalle Street Church
Date: Wednesday, December 07, 2016; 6:00-8:15 pm

We had a lot of cookies
I had a bad experience with ‘Uber’, waiting for over 30 minutes and so desperately caught a cab, arriving late.  I saw that we had cookies today, the ones with the holiday frosting. Apparently we have received over a 1000 of those, meaning that we would be serving these for weeks.  Marianne asked me how I had lost so much weight, so that she could do the same and I said “Diet and Exercise”, at which she seemed disappointed, expecting something more along the lines of “magic pills”!  There were a lot of volunteers in today and so I didn’t have anything to do for a while.  Chef Dan was missing and one of the regular volunteers, Doug, was handling the cooking duties – and was quite excited to do so.  There was some pork dish with vegetables and some “Asian sauce”.  Doug is also known for his creative salad dressings and Marianne liked it so much that she was ready to drink it like it were juice.

We also had croissants on the menu and Marianne asked us to lay the frozen croissant dough on a sheet pan and then place them inside the oven to bake.  I put some trays in and then accompanied a volunteer to put the rest inside the huge refrigerator.  She mentioned about how it would be to have the door shut when inside, and I said that at least this wasn’t as nasty as the walk-in freezer next to it, which is where people find dead bodies in most of the scary movies.  We had very light attendance in terms of guests this evening and since only one of the volunteers was new, Marianne gave an abbreviated version of her speech.  In terms of assignments, people have realized that juice serving isn’t quite glamorous, but someone still has to do it; though I was on plating as usual.  Since everyone was busy getting the food ready, she just said, “And pray for us”, without the actual circle.  “Speed Praying” indeed!

The croissants came out and they smelled amazing.  Marianne took one and I said, “That’s how I lose weight - By avoiding stuff like this!”  We had rice, on which went the pork – generous portions of that – followed by the croissant and 2 "Fortune Cookies”“A Chinese-French fusion”, I mentioned to Doug.  I also said that there shouldn’t be 2 cookies since there shouldn’t be 2 fortunes.  I said that I would pick one for myself and it said “You will benefit from a relative soon”.  Yeah, sure.  As we stood there for the plating to start, Doug mentioned that Phil, who usually plays piano, was earlier singing “I’ll make love to you”, a very interesting choice for this place. 

We started plating and there really wasn’t the need for as many plates as some of the other times that I have been here.  I took over the counting duties as the volunteers ate and then was joined by a volunteer who wanted to plate seconds, since she loved “take out containers”.  Even with takeout, there wasn’t much demand today and once the crowd had dwindled, I went over for stacking and moving the chairs.  It didn’t take long and before leaving I asked Marianne if there was a special event for Christmas.  She said that the Wednesday prior to Christmas they would hand out some small “party favors” and maybe a special meal.  But there would be the regularly scheduled volunteers and so no need for any extras.  I told her that if she required anyone to come in a suit and look good, I could do that!

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