What’s the Word

Location: Lakeview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012; 6:30-8 pm

The room was looking festive
It had been two months since my previous visit to the Lakeview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and I was looking forward to reacquainting myself with the folk whom I had met earlier.  I arrived there to find that Gwen and I were the only two volunteers who had shown up, though we were eventually joined by a woman and her daughter.  The last time we had read-through the newsletter for September and October.  Today’s task was to do the same for November and December.

From amongst the gentlemen who constitute this editorial team, Jim was missing, though Jack and Larry showed up.  Larry’s birthday was coming up and so Gwen had baked cookies for him.  He was going to turn 87 years old, but considering how sharp his mind is, I should say 87 years young.  We started by reviewing the current issue, which had a distinct holiday theme.  We talked about the upcoming events in Chicago such as the Christkindlmarket, Lincoln Park Zoo Lights and the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival Parade.
We also discussed Chicago Bears season, a subject Larry is very passionate about.  I was surprised to hear him recite the remaining schedule for the Bears and even analyze some of the games.  87 years young indeed!

The book review was for another thriller and everyone, other than me, had read it.  There was staff interview section, followed by ‘Did you know’ section which listed unique days in November and December.  For example, who knew that November 1 is ‘National men make dinner day’ and December 4 is ‘Wear brown shoes day’.  I told Gwen that I was amazed at her ability to find these things, especially since she has been doing these issues for several years and every time she wants something new.  Finally, we had arrived at the word puzzle and just as before, we all got into it with gusto.  Larry was competitive as ever and even Jack, who hardly spoke, was participating.  I enjoyed this a lot and Jack, who was next to me, kept asking me to point out where the words were hidden.  We finished the puzzle and sat back to enjoy our work.  It had been another successful issue and another great evening. 

Gwen left Larry’s birthday cookies with them and we all wished Larry a happy birthday.  If anyone would have said to me three months ago that I would enjoy spending time at a senior nursing facility to the same extent that I enjoy some other things, I would have laughed at that notion.  But it was the case.  I do not know why or how.  But I do know people like Gwen and Larry and Jack make me a better man.

*All the client's names have been changed in order to respect their privacy

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