Macy’s ‘Believe’ Campaign for Make-A-Wish® - Part 3

Location: Macy’s in Water Tower Place
Date: November & December 2012

The word says it all
“All I want for Christmas is my mom to be happy and have her not worry about money”
You presume that on this task all the letters would be children wishing for toys, games or other fun items; never expecting to find letters of kindness, love and hope.

“The thing I want for Christmas is for my sister to get the dog she wants.  She named (him) and is writing a diary for him”
You think that even though children make a wish, it could just be a passing fancy.  After all, they always give up and move to the next thing, don't they?

“I can’t get my two kids very much this year for Christmas.  But I do want them to always be happy and grateful for what they have and to think of others who don’t have much.  May the spirit of Christmas always be in their heart”
You assume that poverty leads to despair. How could people find any happiness if they are poor?

“My Mom works two jobs just to make sure we can eat.  All I want is money for her to buy herself and my brother and me clothes, also a game for us to play”
You spend so much of your life worrying about petty things that build your ego

“My Mommy and I have nowhere to live. We lost our home.  Mommy lost job.  We live with Grandma.”
You really complain about small inconveniences don’t you?

“I want a bed to sleep on when I come home from school”
You grow up taking for granted all the basic things in life, and think that while the world is not fair, people usually adapt.

“I want my Mom and Dad to spend the Holidays together”
You think that every child of a broken home eventually gets used to it.  People definitely adapt, don’t they?

“This year I would like to find happiness and true love”
You walk on the streets and see people going about their daily lives, never imagining what they may be thinking… how they may be feeling.

“Please send me a boyfriend for Christmas. I’m lonely”
You see happy couples walk hand-in-hand and feel glad that everyone has someone to be with…almost everyone

“All I want is to be happy.  I’ve spent to long being hurt by the one that I care about, who doesn’t care about me.  He has moved on and I’m stuck here, depressed.”
You think that time usually heals all wounds, and scars can be covered by wearing a mask.

“Send me the love of my life.  A woman who would love me as much as I love her and who would make me believe that it was worth the wait.”
You really feel that all it takes is time to make things better, don’t you?

“I hope my boyfriend’s children open their minds and hearts for acceptance.  This I know you can’t provide so a prayer is all I need”
You may be bitter that you do not have anyone, but surely those who do, have a happy fulfilling life.  After all what else do they need to worry about?

“I would like for people to stop being mean to me”
You see people working in stores, or flight attendants on a delayed aircraft, or in any industry which requires people to smile and say nice things, no matter how they are treated.  Never knowing what it must be like to be in their shoes.

“For Christmas I would like friends”
You see people at restaurants having dinner by themselves or going to movies alone and think it is the life they have chosen; they must surely love their solitude.

“Please let my friend find true happiness, whatever that may be”
You think that friendship is something that people use to fill time in their life. 

“I wish I could fix everything with my best friend whom I lost”
You are sure that friends can easily be replaced, right?  After all, how can all bonds be for life?

“First off, I would like to say that I would like a number of things.  Second, I would like to say that I don’t deserve all that.  I want all of the poor people to have a good holiday and for them to eat good food and be warm and merry”
You think it’s a selfish world where everyone is just looking out for themselves and their own.

“If there is only one wish you can grant me it is this – Please let all the victims of the Connecticut shooting tragedy, especially the families, find peace someday.  Help them and the community that has been affected”
You live through one of the darkest days of your life and wonder how all of us can ever find comfort. It is a selfish world, right?

“I am poor.  I have no money or job, but I am still happy.  Santa please send my daughter a gift this year”
You think it’s silly to believe in Santa once you are grown up.  After all, only kids make a wish.

"Stop Hunger"
You spend all of your life not really believing that wishes can come true, not be very serious every time you flip a penny in a wishing well or blow a birthday candle.  But after reading all these wishes, you realize you were wrong about everything. 

“I want for every child in the world to have a present to open.  Please keep some of mine if needed”
You finally know that despite all the negativity that you see, life is full of generous people, whose kindness makes this a beautiful world. 

“I just want to say thank you for everything you gave me”
You find yourself one day, in front of a red mailbox in a retail store, writing a letter to Santa. You close your eyes, put it by your heart, and then with everything you hold dear, make a wish that you never planned for.

"I hope you get lots of money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Thanks for doing your good deeds"
You now want to go to every rooftop and scream aloud what Francis Church said all those years ago.

Yes Virginia, there most definitely is a Santa Claus

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