Senior Birthday Club

Location: Judge Fisher Apartments
Date: Tuesday, August 04, 2015; 6:30-8:00 pm

Jason was getting married today in Philippines, so we had a substitute leader - and I use that term loosely.  There were just 3 residents in attendance, including the 2 ladies who are great friends.  They were going at it and being as childish as they could be, slapping each other on the shoulder etc. It was brilliant!  They said that they had known each other for 7 years, but their behavior is always as if they have been friends forever.  One of them picked up the others phone to play and she said "why don't you pay my bill as well". Aah, nothing like friends who share a rapport such as this.

Today's haul
The renovation and relocation seemed to be taking its toll on everyone and so the numbers were dwindling.  I rearranged the Bingo prizes while we were waiting and amongst other things, we had applesauce - which I was certain would not be picked - and some ‘White Sox’ souvenir cups, which was an interesting choice considering this is the ‘Cubs’ territory.  There was only one other volunteer who was a regular and 4 new ones.  One gentleman came and seeing that no one was here, he said that he would go and recruit.  I went out with him and he stepped out of the building and told the people who were enjoying the sun on a bench that Bingo was starting.  I guess his job was done, since he came back and took his seat.

I asked what kind of snacks we were having this evening and it was ice cream with toppings.  I mentioned to a couple of volunteers that we should start serving it, since nothing much was going on, but the leader put a kibosh on it saying we should wait till Bingo started. I also mentioned that we should write down the Bingo numbers since there is no board here, but that too was dismissed.  Okay then.  There were some colorful party crowns like the ones you find at ‘Medieval Times’ and I wore one, because, why not.  One of the ladies mentioned that I was singing last time and I said that I may have been providing background to my ‘Sinatra’ buddy.  Speaking of which, he wasn't around.  Finally some regulars had started trickling in, including the gentleman who wears sunglasses.  One of the prizes was sunglasses – again - and so I told him that he better get them this time.  Soon we had quorum to start and  I grabbed a chair next to a gentleman.

The caller wasn't very audible and so the leader quickly replaced her.  After the first winner the problem of not writing down the numbers became apparent, since we did not know which numbers had been called.  The winner was at the sunglasses gents table and she picked the pair of sunglasses on offer.  Well, I guess he was going to have to do with the ones he had on!  The game continued and I was having good rapport with the gentleman at my table as well as the one with the sunglasses, both of whom were missing Bingo by a single digit and looking at me in mock exasperation.

The leader changed it up by saying that we would have a round with just 4 corners and while that was a refreshing thought, it did cause some confusion amongst the residents.  At the next round the gentleman at my table won and picked a hand wash called "Crisp Cucumber Watermelon". "What makes it crisp", I asked, saying that it's a nice marketing ploy, adding some adjectives like these to the products - something that he agreed with.  In the middle of the game my buddy, the Sinatra singer, blazed in with his scooter and a lady behind him, saying that his nurse was with him and he had to go to his room.  Then he did a rapid 360 degree turnaround on scooter and left. Hmm, looks like he had other things to do this evening! It has been a flamboyant entry and an even better exit.  The leader was being strict with there being just one win per person and if you won again, giving away your prize.  Now, that sounds good in principle, but people here are not used to that.  One lady picked a prize for her friend and the leader said next time let the person you are giving the prize to pick it.  The lady did not pay any attention to the comment and just went back to her table. 
It was getting close to end and so we announced a "coverall" game, and also for the ice cream to be served.  I went and sat next to a lady whom I knew from previous visits and asked her how she was doing. She said that she was good and did seem in excellent spirits.  The ice cream was served and the sunglasses gentleman said that he shouldn't eat so much. I said its okay to “cheat” on one day and he said that he was “bad” the day before as well.  "Okay then, start from tomorrow", I said.  The lady near me said that she was bad yesterday as well and I asked why.  It seems that she had whiskey and I asked which one?  “Jack Daniels”, she replied, at which I said that it was an excellent choice and a shot of that wouldn’t be amiss with the ice cream. She seemed thrilled at this and said yes.  Before leaving I asked if she was going to take a shot today and she said no, but that wasn't very convincing. 

The game was over and as a prize the lady picked the ‘White Sox’ gear over applesauce - as I had predicted.  Today was one lady's birthday and so we sang to her before leaving.  The two gents and the lady wished me goodnight and the birthday girl hugged everyone including me seeming genuinely touched when I offered to hug.  It had been a weird session, especially with the awkwardness with the leader.  They had refused to listen to people who knew, been inflexible, insulted the guests and as far as the volunteer experience was concerned, the less said the better.

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