Serve-A-Thon 2013 – Part 1

Location: Mary Hartwell Catherwood Apartments
Date: Saturday, June 15, 2013; 7:30 am-2:30 pm

After weeks of discussion, preparation and anticipation, the day had finally arrived.  It was time for Chicago’s single largest day of service and I had the privilege of being one of only 29 primary leaders who would be directing the thousands of volunteers that would be participating.  Periodically, I had been receiving updates and various project related material from my Chicago Cares contact Jocelyn. This included the project descriptions, inventory of items and also talking points for the speech that I was required to deliver while welcoming the volunteers and during the wrap-up.  I had spent some time studying all of these things and although there were a few questions, I had no doubt that Alisa, Claire and I would be able to figure things out.  I was ready as I was going to be.

I was about to step out my apartment at 7 am when I got a call from Jocelyn.  She said that there was a slight problem with our food supplies.  We were expecting 60 guests to show up and had planned accordingly.  However Jocelyn said that now we were expecting 80-100 people meaning we would fall short.  There were some options open to us such as telling our site rep that once the food ran out we could not serve more; or changing the menu slightly to make dishes that could feed more people or in a pinch running out to get more supplies.  In my book there was never going to be a situation where we turned people away.  So I made a decision of buying more groceries and the only question was when and from where.  Alisa and I were scheduled to meet at Fullerton station and go to the site together.  I remembered that there was a Dominick’s store right next to Fullerton station and so I took a cab and arrived there with 15 minutes to do a speedy purchase. 

You can't make an omelette if there are no eggs!
In the cab I had looked at the food inventory and done some mental math to calculate how much more we would need for 30-40 additional people.  I grabbed a cart and started with 4 dozen eggs, 60 hotdogs and 60 buns.  I also picked up 5 bananas, 5 apples, 1 pack of strawberries and 1 bag of grapes.  Now, besides the food, I also needed extra plates, utensils, pans and cups.  With several bags in hand, I waited for Alisa outside the store and once she arrived, we hopped in a cab while I told her what had happened.  We arrived at the site and with all of the bags in tow, went to the security guard, who had absolutely no idea that we were coming.  I asked if the site rep Caroline was around and he said that while she wasn’t here, we could call her.  I did, and she did not answer the phone.  The guard let us through and we went into the community room to wait.  This was a different building than the one where we have our Saturday Breakfast and much smaller.  I called Jocelyn and after a few tries was able to get through.  She said that all of the supplies were there on site and inside Caroline’s room.  The room was locked and Caroline was unreachable.  So we did the only thing that we could do…wait.

Claire arrived and said that there was a school bus waiting outside.  I knew that the volunteers were supposed to get on a bus at Daley Plaza, but this was too soon.  I went outside, just as one lady was talking to the guard.  She was the bus driver and was there to pick up the people.  I said that this was the wrong location and that she was supposed to go to Daley Plaza, pick up the people and then come here.  She left and I thanked our stars that we had discovered this on time, but still we were running way behind schedule.  I was trying to reach Caroline on all possible numbers, with no success.  We were going to host a picnic and looking at the skies, I was concerned that the weather was not going to cooperate.  So we had to have an alternate plan and I went to check on the larger room where we have our breakfast meetings, so as to move everything there.  I was greeted by a foul stench and wet floor just outside the room.  A sewage pipe in the neighboring bathroom had burst at there was no way we could have the picnic there.  Was there anything that was going to go right!  I walked back to tell my team about this, when I saw that there was another person who had joined us.  Caroline had finally arrived!

The reason for her delay was miscommunication, where she thought that she was supposed to arrive at 9 am and we were expecting her an hour earlier.  But Caroline was not only nice person, she was enthusiastic and just as committed to making this work.  We had a quick team meeting to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the day and what we would do if the weather was bad.  With the big room out of commission, we would have to move it to a much smaller room which was really not convenient.  But first things first, we had to do the inventory.  We went into her office and got all the supplies that Jocelyn had dropped off and started to divide between the two projects.  It was evident that Claire needed some more cooking utensils and I decided to borrow from the main supply closet that housed our breakfast project materials.  The only thing to remember was that we had to put things back after we were done. 

Claire seemed to have what she required, but not so Alisa.  The number one priority for our project today was creation of three murals.  The way murals are done is by projecting transparencies onto canvases, tracing the outline and then painting them.  Although we had the three projectors, there was no sign of the transparencies.  Without them we were dead in water.  I tried reaching Jocelyn, but not only was she unreachable, her voice mail box was full and I couldn't leave a message.  After several tries she finally called me back and when I said that we could not locate the transparencies, she insisted that they were on site.  This led to another thorough search of Caroline’s offices, cabinets and also some of the garbage we had discarded.  When we were unable to find, we called Jocelyn back and she said that she would have to make more copies and drop them off, but with her other sites and traffic, it was not sure when.  Until she arrived, Alisa’s team would have nothing to do.  To compound the problem, while we had pencils for sketching, there were not sharpened and there was no sharpener on site.  This meant that even if we had the transparencies, there was nothing to sketch them with. 

While it appeared that things were falling apart, it was very important that neither me, nor Alisa or Claire panicked.  This is why choosing your team correctly is so important and in the two of them, I had the best.  So when Wilson called asking if there was any help required and if I wanted him to come and do something, I told him that while we had some minor hiccups, we would handle it. This was our responsibility, my accountability and there was no way I was going to let it fail.  But the concerns were real.  While we had overcome the shortage of food, a late start and a burst pipe; not having transparencies would effectively jeopardize, and even derail the project.  The only hope was that Jocelyn got here before the volunteers.  Just as I thought that, two yellow school buses pulled up outside the apartments.  The volunteers had arrived… and with them, so had the rain.

...To Be Continued

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