Macy’s ‘Believe’ Campaign for Make-A-Wish

Location: Macy’s, Water Tower Place
Date: November & December 2013

“All I want for Christmas is a family”

If there was one project that I had been waiting for since the beginning of the year; one program that I wanted to be a part of; the one crown jewel that would be my most satisfying deed in what had been an extraordinary year; it was this one – Macy’s Believe Campaign.

“I want to find happiness and feel proud of myself”

“Make sure my best friend is on the nice list”

Santa's Mailbox
Last year I had called it my absolute privilege to do this, to be entrusted with people’s heartfelt wishes and deliver them to Make A Wish.  I was on the lookout for this opportunity on the MAW website and as soon as I saw it open up, I committed to collect the letters from the Water Tower Macy’s; the same location as the previous year.  I was thinking of switching to the State Street location, but I have always been the one for nostalgia and so decided to go with the familiar location.

“Please heal all the sickness in the world. No one deserves that pain. Everyone deserves to be cured”

“I want my mom to accept me for being gay”

I sent a note my site rep before the scheduled start of the program, but never heard back.  So the second weekend of November I made my way to Macy’s and headed to the HR offices on 6th floor. The folks over there had no idea why I was visiting, though one gentleman knew what this was all about and took me down to the mailbox. As expected being the first week, there weren’t a lot of postcards or letters in there.  But it was a start to another magical season.

“For Christmas I want all the soldiers home. Let all of them see the people they love no matter what country they are from”

“I want him to see that he's enough and someone really cares”

Over the next few weeks I would follow a similar routine where I would go over to Macy’s on either Saturday or Sunday, pick-up the letters – from the offices now instead of the mailbox – bring them back home to sort and then report the count to MAW.  Then, the following week I would walk over to MAW offices with the letters and deliver them in person. And every week I would continue to get touched by people’s kindness and generosity through the things they asked for, and feel the innocence of some of the requests and yearning for things that no amount of money can buy.

“All I want for Christmas this year is first love”

“Please find a home for all the homeless dogs in the world”

This is a fund raiser for MAW and every letter contributes $1 towards an organization that will put it to good use.  Thus like the previous year, I posted on my Company’s network, urging my colleagues to write a letter to Santa. Yes it would contribute to MAW, but more importantly, I wanted them to truly believe in the power of a wish.  Two of them gave me a letter and both have since told me that their wish did indeed come true!

“Thanks for making me smile during childhood. You always made my Christmas”

“I want kids in orphanages to live their life with people who love them”

The supplies
December 6th had been nominated as the ‘National Believe Day’’, meaning the contribution per letter would be double for letters posted that day.  I had saved my wish and so in the evening I walked up to Macy’s on State Street and wrote my postcard.  Around me were kids with their families and they were doing the same.  I closed my eyes, and with everything I held dear, made my wish and dropped the post card in Santa’s mailbox.

“I just want my Mommy's love”

“I would love to have my daughter find peace”

Every week was up and down in terms of the number of letters received, though my biggest haul came the week before Christmas when the collection included bulk packages of letters from children in schools, parishes and even hospitals.

“Please continue to hold all the children in need in your heart and grant them a happy wonderful Christmas”

“Please solve world hunger”

I went away for Christmas and came back for one final collection on December 30th.  I dropped off the letters with MAW and thanked them for once again giving me the opportunity to participate.  As an organization, we had achieved our fund raising goal, meaning that once again millions had believed.

“All I want from you this year is for my brother to get his Lego set he's always wanted”

“I want my family to be happier this year and learn to love one another”

For me personally, it had been as I had expected the absolute highlight of my year.  It is difficult to make people understand what an absolute privilege this is.  A wish is a sacred thing and sometimes it takes a whole lot of courage to say what you want to say.  It’s not just a collection of potential dollars that I carry, its people’s hopes and dreams.

“Please send money and food to my parents”

“Well I don't want any toys. All I want is my mom to fall in love and find a new husband. Please help her”

If you believe, he will come
There are times when it feels as if the world is getting more cynical by the day but it cannot be true based on some of this wishes…messages of unconditional love and generosity.  And while many who write these do not expect miracles, the fact that they do write them tells me that they haven’t given up.  For sometimes when you believe in the impossible, the improbably might just come true.

“Please cure my best friend from cancer”

“My wish for this year is for everyone in the world with a broken heart to find love and happiness in their life”

This project has been and always will be my absolute pride and joy. And yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.

“Thank you for all the hard work that you put in every year to make the holidays merry for kids around the world”

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