American Cancer Society Making Strides ELT Meeting

Location: American Cancer Society Office
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015; 6:00-7:00 pm

As I arrived, Katherine said that we would be in a different room today, which was at the other end of the floor.  It was a corner office with a nice view of Michigan Avenue and over the last 3 years that I have been coming to this place, I had never been in this room.  It was the 102nd birthday of ‘ACS’ and as such, there was a giant pink cake – made of cardboard cutout - leaning against the wall.  Allyson said that once everyone had arrived, we would be taking a picture with that in the background.  I asked Allyson if she knew about the background of cancer in general i.e. how many years before ‘ACS’ was formed was there knowledge of cancer.  And was it even called cancer back then.  These were discussions for another time I suppose since we had work to do today

The "Birthday Cake"
One other committee member arrived and my suspicion was that the others thought that the meeting was at 6:30 pm.  I was the culprit for the confusion since I had requested a later time, as I had thought that I have a commitment.  But since that hadn’t happened, I had told Allyson to change the meeting back to 6 pm.  While she had sent out an email, looks like people had not received the memo.  We took our “selfie” with me holding the phone, since I had the longest arms, and then got underway.  I showed Allyson my idea of posting our event on the ‘Meetup’ group and how I was planning to use the ‘ACS’ flyer as my main text.  Le’Loni arrived and sure enough, she had thought that the meeting was at 6:30 and she said that she blamed me for this!  That was it though, since no other committee members had shown up.  Something tells me it would be just us going forward.

Katherine started by discussing the numbers such as Funds raised so far, participants etc.  Next, Allyson got up on the whiteboard to brainstorm some of the ideas for our two "kickoffs’", one in downtown on August 15th - when I would be out of town - and then one on August 29th in the 'Southside'.  I said that we should have two very distinct themes, more corporate for downtown and more family friendly for the other.  I asked what the objective was for the "kickoffs’", since they wanted us to invite people and this would help us “sell” better.  I said that if the intention was to add teams, then there was no point in me inviting the same people I was going to ask to form teams anyways.  I once again reiterated that we should have either computers or ‘iPads’ or something else to sign up people at these events, or have each committee member be available with a smart phone so that they can sign up people.  As we started getting into the specifics of what we should and shouldn’t do at the 2 events, Allyson pointed out that some of it was for the “Event Sponsorship Team” to figure out.

While we were discussing this, we were also signing some hand written cards, which would be sent to "Survivors" on “National Survivor Day”.  During our stay there, I must have signed at least a hundred of these cards.  Allyson then went around the room asking for updates on how many teams we had signed up and our plans for that as well as securing sponsorship.  Le’Loni mentioned how she was networking with her sorority sisters and the other volunteer did the same.  My idea was to recruit in office, and of course the 'Meetup'.  When Allyson asked about Sponsorship, I said that all of my contacts were in non-profit and there really wasn’t much they could spare for this cause. 

Time was up and while others were chatting, I was distracted with some work emails.  We took one more "selfie" with Le’Loni in it, and once again I was responsible for extending my arm and taking it.  Allyson posted it on ‘Facebook’ and was tagging everyone, and asked if I was on it.  I said no and she replied, “of course”…not sure if that implied that I was anti-social or inept in using technology, but whatever.  Le’Loni said that she thought that I looked like someone who “tweeted”; to which I answered in the negative as well.  Allyson and Katherine asked if anyone could stay and call people to recruit them for the walk, saying that since it was the 102nd birthday on Saturday, we wanted to reach 102 teams by then, being at 80 currently.  I said that I had to go and the others said that they could come later this week. With that, we all beat a hasty retreat before they could convince us otherwise!

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