Dinner At The Wells Street Cafe

Location: Breaking Bread Ministries/LaSalle Street Church
Date: Wednesday, September 07, 2016; 5:45-8:15 pm

I walked over from my office and arrived to see that Marianne was in excellent spirits.  She was in fact reading some jokes on the phone and they were bad.  For example, “What kind of eggs does a bad chicken lay” – “Deviled Eggs”, or “Where do people in Florida wash their clothes” – “Ft. Laundredale”.  Yeah, they were really bad and she made sure everyone heard them.  Tonight’s theme was “Greek” and Chef Dan asked me to cut in half several loaves of “Pita Bread”.  I tried cutting 5 at a time and that wasn’t working, with some of them being frozen.  But it did not take too long, especially when Marianne joined me to help.  Once again we were a bit “light” this week with volunteers.  Remembering my experience from last month, I was hoping that this wouldn’t be a problem.

Once the Pita had been stacked in “4 inch pans” and sent to the steamer, Chef asked me to start working on the salad, which comprised of Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Resins and “Feta Cheese”.  Another volunteer, who was new, joined me and she chopped up the tomatoes while I handled the lettuce.  There were several heads of lettuce and it took me a lot of time to get through those.  Next, I started on the resins and being sticky, they were being a nuisance to chop.  Thankfully, my fellow volunteer said she would do the resins while I took over the cucumbers.  We divided the salad in 2 big bowls after which I crumbled the cheese in each of them.  Then we divided the dressing that had been made and I told my fellow volunteer that there was only one way to mix all of this, which was to get in there with our hands.  We did that and then it was a question of dividing the salad in 80 individual serving sized bowls.  We were doing a generous fistful in each bowl; till we realized that there were a dozen other bowls that we had missed, meaning that we had to go back in to redistribute.  We stacked all the bowls on racks and then I went and caught up with John, who was returning after a long absence.  I learned that he had broken his collarbone while playing soccer, which was a coincidence since another volunteer Katie and strained her “MCL” while playing soccer as well.  Maybe soccer is not a good game for “Breaking Bread” volunteers, since they are breaking more than just bread!

Guests loved tonight's menu
I went outside and saw one of the guests who I had not seen in a long time.  He was looking weak and thin and when I asked where he had been, he just said away.  In any case, he greeted me warmly and we discussed tonight’s menu, which was “Gyro’s”, “Greek Rice” and some “Greek Beans” dish.  Plus there were “Blueberry Muffins” – baked, not from a box. I went back and saw that Marianne was still “entertaining” everyone with her jokes and had just found a book called “Erotic Stories” in the kitchen.  I said that instead of the usual discussions, we should just read that!  Well, that did not happen and after the introduction - we had 2 new volunteers – there was assignment of the duties; where I would be on plating as usual.  We took our places after distributing the salad bowls, and for the 3rd time in a row, I was on the garnish; with a plate of Pita, lamb, rice and beans coming to me.  I would then put greens on the pita, as well as “tzatziki sauce” and finally sprinkle parsley.  Marianne made the announcements and since we were short of volunteers, there was a backlog of plates, with 2 volunteers struggling to serve everyone.  One lady guest was stranding and watching us plate and when I asked why she wasn’t taking a seat, she said that she was watching all the men on the line! 

We finally managed to get everything out and boy we were busy.  We immediately started seconds with me keeping the tally.  Even for this, we had a big line and it looked like people had enjoyed the food.  They were asking for more meat and one of the new volunteers said that they should also take veggies with that.  We had some food left over and so Marianne asked me to make “to-go” containers and I spent most of my time doing that, meaning someone else had to stack and move the chairs. I helped wipe down the station and then it was time to go.  Marianne thanked me and I left, a little less tired than before since I had not done the chairs thing today.

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