Job Coaching

Location: Open Door Shelter
Date: Monday, May 13, 2013; 6:45-8:30 pm

I was delayed at work and had to hustle to get to the ODS on time.  Eventually the cab dropped me off with a few minutes to spare and I went inside to see that Claire was there along with another volunteer, Chris, who would be leading the project alternately with her.  Two other volunteers showed up besides Wendy, who is a Director at Chicago Cares.  I had previously exchanged emails with her regarding other things, but today was the first time that I was meeting her.  She told the other volunteers that I was famous in Chicago Cares, having done most of the projects on the calendar.  I said that while I have enjoyed almost all of them, some like 'Garfield Conservatory, I may not return to since I did not enjoy the environmental projects.  I prefaced by this by saying that ‘Garfield Conservatory’ did have one of the best Chicago Cares leaders.  At this Claire said, “Hey” and I quickly added, “Present company excluded”, at which we all laughed. 

Claire said that today we would be helping the residents develop Resume building skills.  We went upstairs and I immediately spotted Kallie from my last visit and asked her where her ice bowl was.  We sat down for the introductions and I asked Kallie if she remembered what I did.  She said she almost had it and when I said that I worked in the field of energy, she said replied, “I knew it had something to do with atoms.”  To this Claire said, “Everything has something to do with atoms!”  I always look forward to Claire’s ice breakers and today she gave us each a question.  We had to go around the room and had 30 seconds to talk with the other person, during which we had to ask them that question and also answer theirs.  Everyone was ready to begin and I looked at my question, which was “Which is the best book you have ever read”

The first girl I asked this question to replied that it was some thriller which she had not finished.  She then asked me, “What do you like doing on your day off?”  I said that I would probably sleep in and then would love to spend it with friends.  The next girl had also not read their most recent book completely and her question to me was, “What event would you like to visit in the past?”  I said that I was more excited for the future than the past and so couldn't really think of any at that moment.  Next I got asked what my favorite food was and I said that it was a sandwich since I could change whatever was in it.  The girl who asked me this said it wasn’t fair and so when in doubt, always go with chocolate.  To this she replied that if I only ate that, I would be fat.  The next person asked, “What is the one thing that you are most proud of?”  My answer to this has not changed since December and I promptly replied, “Being Santa’s elf”, referring to my time doing the Believe campaign for Make-A-Wish.  The young man that I met next said that his favorite book was ‘The Client’, which is also a movie.  I asked what did he do first, read the book or watch the movie and said, “Good call”, when he responded that he had read the book first.  His question was, “How do you like spending your free time?” and while I replied, “Relaxing on the couch”, I really do not think I would be happy doing just that. 

My favorite book
This circle had finally landed me in front of Kallie and she had two questions to ask me.  The first was, “What would you like to learn?” and I replied that it would be playing the guitar.  Next she asked me, “Whom would you like to meet for dinner?”  Now I have been asked this before and I although I almost said, Chris-in-the-morning from my favorite show, ‘Northern Exposure’; I replied “Einstein” – an answer which she liked.  I had finished meeting with the residents and while they wrapped up with the other volunteers, I had an opportunity to converse with Claire.  I asked what her favorite book was and she said that it was ‘The Prince Of Tides’.  Then she asked me what my least favorite food was and I said it had to be raw veggies like beets and cucumbers.  She said that she did not like pickles and I said that if we ever went out for sandwiches, I would eat her pickle! No one asked me what my favorite book was and if they had, the answer would have been quite simple. Its Carlos Ruiz Zafon's, 'Shadow Of The Wind' - one of those books that I look forward to reading every year and I don't just like it, I love it. 

The ice breaker was over and it was time to start the session.  I paired up with a girl, Sylvia and she was completely engaged in the coaching and conversation; displaying a lot of interest, listening and asking a lot of questions.  She said that she wanted to do journalism and when I asked in what area, she said either Sports or Healthcare.  Next we went through the handout that Claire had provided and I discussed with her the importance of having a good resume as the first step in the pyramid of job search.  We went through the various components that constitute a resume and she was asking me questions such as if it was acceptable to put the line, “References available upon request” in the resume.  I said absolutely not since it added to no value.  If you wanted to include a reference, do so.  Else it’s just a wasted line and space on a resume is a precious commodity.  I repeated my usual spiel on how numbers and quantification is very important and she understood that.  I also said that she should tailor her resume for the job that she was applying for, specifically including the key words from the job description. 

The fact that Sylvia was committed could be gauged from the questions that she asked.  She inquired about including extra-curricular activities and I said that it is fine as long as it is relevant to the job or towards establishing her character.  She asked about Computer skills and I said that she should definitely include those since all jobs nowadays require the candidate to have those.  She said what if she was applying for the job of a server in a restaurant, why would the computer skills be relevant.  I posed a counter-question asking what if the restaurant has another opening or something comes up soon that requires someone to have those skills.  Now I know this may seem contradictory since I had told her to only include things relevant to the posted job, but computer skills is almost a mandatory inclusion.  She asked if she should also include a cover letter in her applications and I said absolutely yes.  Cover letter is what gets employers interested in the resume and a good cover letter can help a lot.  One of the mistakes people make is repeating everything that is on the resume in their cover letter. This should not be the case and the cover letter should be more specific to the job that they are applying for rather than recounting the background of the candidate. 
Now that's a 'Super' resume

Sylvia was taking notes while we were discussing and it once again, demonstrated her commitment and willingness to learn.  Claire had given us three resumes and asked to find mistakes in each.  She could spot those easily, one being poorly formatted, other having an unprofessional email address of ‘supercutie’ and the third stating that reason for changing previous job was a better offer!  Then we saw examples of good resumes, one of them being for ‘Clark Kent’.  All of us had a hilarious time reading it and amongst other things, for his references, ‘Mr. Kent’ had listed Christopher Reeve, Dean Cain and Henry Cavil!  Using these resumes and our discussions as examples, I asked Sylvia to write down her skills and other activities.  I saw that she had a lot of volunteering experience and while that is great and something that may impress the employers, I asked her to tone it down if the job she is applying for is not in a non-profit. 

Our time was up and I gave Sylvia my email address in case she had any further questions or wanted me to review her resume.  I have done this in the past but no one has followed-up.  Oh well, at least I have offered.  I chatted with one other resident who said that his dream job was to be a bartender.  Considering he was underage, I thought it was a stretch and told him that it was not what it seemed and that once he was of age, he should go and see how much of a hard work bartending really is.  My buddy Kallie was nearby and I told her that since we already had a Resume for ‘Clark Kent’, she should make one for ‘Bruce Wayne’ or ‘Peter Parker’.  Never at a loss for words, she immediately responded saying she wanted to do so for ‘Tinker Bell’.  I laughed and said she should definitely look to Disney for employment.  We left after another great evening and the more I come here, the more I like this project.  Not only do we have a great leader in Claire, but now I am beginning to meet some fantastic people at ODS as well.  I would have never imagined this to be true, but Monday’s at ODS has become something for me to look forward to. 

*All the client's names have been changed in order to respect their privacy

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