What’s the Word

Location: Lakeview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013; 6:30-8 pm

I arrived early and went inside to see that nobody was in the activity room.  That soon changed and we were joined by Jack and Jim, who in particular was in top form.  It was the end of the regular season for baseball, and Jim’s ‘White Sox’ had been eliminated from playoff contention a long time ago. Yet he was complaining about his favorite whipping team, the ‘Cubs’. Once again, he reiterated his frustrations that people still flocked to ‘Wrigley Field’ to see the ‘Cubs’, despite them being so bad for so long.  He said that he still fails to understand why everyone would continue to go for those games and keep ignoring the ‘Sox’.  I said that perhaps it was because ‘Cubs’ have a nicer ballpark at which he waved his arms in disgust.  I quickly changed the topic by saying that the ‘Bears’ are doing well and he said that it was too soon and we will see at the end of the season.  All this time Jack was sitting quietly without talking and I asked him how he was doing. He said that his foot was hurting owing to a tight shoe.  Then I asked where Larry was and Jim said that he wasn’t doing so well.  It certainly looked like everyone could use some cheering.  

We know now!
Gwyn arrived with her mom, who was visiting her; and Andrea, who is turning out to be a regular volunteer for this project, also joined us.  Gwyn said that today we would be starting work on the November/December issue of ‘As We See It’.  What…already! Where had the summer gone?  As she set up the computer, I took a look at the September/October issue, which was now being circulated.  It seems like September is the ‘National Chicken Month’ and second Friday in October is the ‘World Egg Day’. Well then. It’s settled isn’t it?  I said that the age-old question had finally been answered.  We know now which came first. According to the ‘Gregorian’ calendar, it was most definitely the Chicken! 

Here they are
Gwyn said that we should start by listing all of the holidays in November and December, and we went through the usual ‘Thanksgiving’ and ‘Christmas’ while looking at some others online.  I suggested we include ‘Boxing Day’, which is the day after Christmas, and quite popular in places such as Australia.  We also noticed that November 11th was ‘Veteran’s Day’, and that led to Gwyn asking if Mary was around to talk about the ‘Puerto Rico regiment’.  Jim went to fetch her and she came over readily, to talk to us about how Puerto Rico participated in the ‘Korean War’.  She told us about ‘Borinqueneers’, Puerto Rico’s 65th regiment, who fought for the US in both World Wars as well the Korean War.  She said that the full extent of their contributions has not been recognized so far, and in November there is a fund-raiser to increase awareness.  Mary is involved in the organization of that event and mentioned that some of the ‘Purple Heart’ winners from that regiment, and who live in Chicagoland, have been invited.  She was very excited about that and was hoping that at least one would make it to the gala.  We then looked online at a ‘Borinqueneers’ DVD, which was a documentary about that regiment.

The Dark Tower
Andrea and Jack were looking at their ‘Chase Book of Events’, while I discussed the ‘Book Review’ section with Jim.  We were doing the book ‘The Web’ by Jonathan Kellerman and Jim was recommending it, though with some reservations. I pulled up some of the reviews online and it was a mixed bag, with some of them being quite brutal.  One of the reviewers had compared the book to ‘Scooby Doo’ and said that they had no idea what had compelled them to read it.  Man, not pulling any punches were they?  Gwyn said that she wants to read eventually, but when I mentioned that some of the reviews talk about giant spiders and cockroaches, she said that she would give it a pass.  We talked about the new Stephen King book that is a follow-up to ‘The Shining’.  Gwyn said that reading ‘It’ and ‘The Shining’ were enough to scar her as a kid and so would pass on this one as well.  I happen to like Stephen King and remember reading ‘It’ long time ago in school.  One of the most enjoyable things I did a few years ago, when I was still in Pittsburgh, was reading the entire ‘Dark Tower’ series.  Well, when I say reading, I mean listening to books on tape – all 7 of them.  It was a part of my routine, listening to it while going across the bridge to the ‘Strip District’ on Saturday’s and during my Sunday afternoon walks down the river trail.  I remember exactly where I was, in what location, when I listened to some of the sections from each book.  It’s funny how some random things like these get etched in your memory and for as long as I will live, I will remember my days in Pittsburgh as I went through Stephen King’s Magnum Opus. 

Next we needed ideas for the ‘Restaurant Review’ section and I started looking for nearby places on Google Maps.  I found a place which advertised “Burrito’s As Big As Your Head” and Gwyn immediately said that she wanted to do that one.  No one had been there and Gwyn asked Jim to investigate.  I tried to look for prices on their website, but it wasn’t mentioned.  We certainly did not want “Prices To Drain Your Savings” to accompany their slogan!  While this was going on, Jack and Andrea were still looking through their book, and announced that November was “Bingo Birthday”.  Considering Bingo’s popularity at Lakeview, I said we should definitely include that.  The session was almost at an end and we had a great time.  Gwyn’s mom had brought some books for Jim to read and he was very thankful.  Mary and Jim talked about some of the recurring problems at Lakeview Nursing and Gwyn said that she could argue with the staff.  Her mom said that they would fire her at which Gwyn replied that she did not care since she did not work there.  “I meant as a volunteer”, her mom said.  Gwyn has built this into one of the more enjoyable projects and something that I have a lot of fun at whenever I come.  Plus, I can see how much the residents love her. To lose her because of some inconsiderate staff members, now that would certainly be a shame. 

  *All the client's names have been changed in order to respect their privacy

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